The Council for Kentish Archaeology

CKA Officers.

Contact details.

CKA Constituent Groups.

CKA Autumn Conference — 2018

More information when we have it.

Friends of the CKA.

Why not become a CKA Friend?

The Kent Archaeological Review.

The council’s 3-times-per-year journal.

The Crofton Roman Villa.

The remains of the villa in Orpington.

From the Groups.

Activites on some CKA members’ sites.

The Roman Painted House, Dover.

Keston Roman Tombs.

Details of the villa environment at Keston.

KARU Publications.

Publications by the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit.

Folkestone Roman Villa appeal.

The CKA is appealing for funds for the publication of the 1989 Folkestone Roman Villa excavations.

Links to other archaeological websites.

Industrial Archaeology.

Industrial Archaeology — courses, opportunities.

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